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These Mobility Solutions can help you lead a Healthy Life

Thu, Sep 24th, 2020

These Mobility Solutions can help you lead a Healthy Life

Did you know you don't have to rely on a cane or walker to get from place to place? While these are good solutions for some people who are still able to walk, but just need some assistance with balance and stability, they do not help those individuals who have lost almost all of their strength, balance and ability to walk. Attempting to walk with improper medical devices can cause you to fall, resulting in a serious injury or worse.

In this blog, we'll discuss how power wheelchairs, scooters and other advancements in mobility solutions can help senior citizens lead a healthy life.

Power Wheelchairs and Scooters

Power wheelchairs and scooters are a safe, effective and easy way for senior citizens to navigate around their home and in public. Depending on the individual, they might want to lead a more independent or social lifestyle. Theses two mobility devices can help seniors with both.

Sometimes having your own space is important. But if you are unable to move around your home safely and perform routine tasks, independence is something that is really difficult to have. Power wheelchairs and scooters might not be able to provide complete independence, but it allows the individual to get from place to place and perform a few tasks without assistance. It might sound small, but that can actually boost self-esteem and confidence.

Having a social lifestyle is important, and power wheelchairs and scooters can help senior citizens keep up with friends and family without feeling left out. There are even power wheelchairs and scooters that will raise you up to eye-level so people are not talking down to you.

Vehicle Lift

Do you plan on using your power wheelchair or scooter away from your home? If so, it's important to have a vehicle lift. You will literally be able to use your mobility devices anywhere your vehicle can take you.

When you want to use one of your mobility devices, simply push the control to lower the lift, get on the scooter or wheelchair, push the controls and you are done.

When you are done using the mobility device, you roll onto the platform, get off of your scooter or wheelchair and press the controls to raise it up.

Bell House Medical

Power wheelchairs, scooters and a vehicle lift can greatly improve the overall life of a senior citizen, especially when used in conjunction with other safety features and mobility devices.

To obtain a healthier lifestyle by becoming more independent or social, give Bell House Medical a call! We're in the business of making your life safer!

(302) 644-4404