Have you ever worn below the knee compression stockings or socks? If you have never had to wear them, you probably don't know much about compre...
Three Activities to Help Your Mind and Body
It's important for senior citizens to stay mentally sharp and physically active. Oftentimes, when a senior decides to take action, ...
Don’t Wait Until After Your Surgery to Have Safety Features Installed in Your Home
Have you recently been told that surgery is necessary if you want lead a healthy, mobile, pain-free lifestyle? Receiving this news can be a tou...
Do you ever feel like the days are going by really fast? It seems we run out of time to get tasks done that we have on our “to do” list. One of ...
Are you at risk for falling? Learn what makes seniors fall and how to avoid one yourself…
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in the state of Delaware, 10% of people 65 and older and 12.4% of individuals aged 50-59 have fal...