Risks of Preventable Deaths by Age
Mon, Feb 6th, 2023
As people live their lives they probably never realize or think about the fact that the risk for causes of death changes with age. Use this information to keep you and your loved ones safe. All of these causes of death are preventable!
Preventable Causes of Death: The Early Years
For example, in the first year of life, suffocation is the leading factor in preventable death. It is important to be aware of risks like leaving things in the crib, covering the face with blankets, or too much soft bedding.
After the first year of life, higher risks of preventable deaths shift to drowning and motor vehicle accidents. These risks peak during the teenage years (although drowning continues to be a major risk into adulthood). During this time, it is important to talk with your children about safe driving habits and everyone should avoid taking risks while in or around water.
Preventable Causes of Death in The Golden Years
When we reach our golden years, falls and vehicle crashes are high on the list of preventable deaths. Actually, falls are the leading cause of death in people over 67 years old. These risks don't just affect individuals but they affect families too. If a loved one is at higher risk due to their age, it's important to ensure they are taking proper precautions and understand the risks associated with their age.
It is important to be aware of risks such as loose rugs, slick surfaces, uneven sidewalks or decreased strength and balance that could lead to a fall.
Also, physical activity decreases as we get older. This increases physical risks like falls and fractures, but it can also affect mental risks like depression and dementia. It is important to stay active and healthy as we age in order to reduce the risks associated with these conditions. Additionally, seek medical attention when needed. Early diagnosis of risks can help provide treatment and timely care if a medical issue arises.
Talk About Driving Safety with Older Adults
We should also talk to our elders about safe driving habits, ensuring they are not driving late at night, on unfamiliar roads, or in bad weather.
By understanding risks at different stages of life, you can help protect yourself and your loved ones from preventable causes of death. Take steps today to keep you and your family safe!
Bell House Medical (the home of Master Grab Bar) has been working with older adults all over Delmarva for years to help keep them safer at home. We install grab bars, stair lifts, vertical platform lifts, ramps, railings, lift chairs, and more... Plus we offer all types of mobility devices and medical equipment at our store in Lewes, Delaware on Coastal Highway. Stop in to test drive a scooter or wheelchair or call to schedule an installation.