The Differences Between Mobility Rollators and Walkers
Tue, Jan 2nd, 2018
If you ever had surgery or are just getting older and your balance is not up to par, your doctor or physical therapist may have told you to start using a walker or rollator for support.
There are many different types of walkers and rollators on the market so we are providing a breakdown of the differences:
Rollator – Can have three or four wheels. The four wheel models usually offer a built in seat and carry pouch or basket.
These walkers are prescribed depending upon the individual’s needs. Rollators are often used by people who have a slight balance impairment and can move around at a near normal pace. They also come in loop lock brakes or press down brakes. Many therapists prefer the loop lock brakes because they are easier to operate. Rollators are available in a variety of colors and design.
Standard walker – Has a metal frame and no wheels. These walkers are prescribed depending upon the individuals needs. For example, if someone has a sigificant balance impairment and are still capable of walking, a standard walker may be what their therpaist would have them use.
Front wheel walker – Has a metal frame and two wheels in the front. These are the walkers that you usually see with plastic skis or tennis balls on the back legs. These walkers are prescribed depending upon the individuals needs. For example, if a person has a moderate balance issue and was unable to keep a rollator under control, a front wheel walker may be a bettter choice.
Hemi walker – Are mostly used by people who have balance issues affecting one side of the body usually from stroke or brain injury. These walkers are very stable and your therapist will work with you to get comfortable using it.
Knee walker – Has wheels and is used by people who have had surgery or injury that requires non weight bearing on one leg. This walker is easier to use than crutches for keeping the weight off of your leg while still providing the ability to get around.
Pediatric walker – These walkers are prescribed depending upon the individual’s needs and they come in sizes to fit children and can also be used by smaller adults.
Sometimes a walker is needed for a period of time or may be incorporated into an individual’s mobility for the rest of their lives.
Whatever the case Bell House Medical sells a full line of rollators and walkers to fit your needs.
Visit our medical equipment store in Lewes, Delaware on Coastal Highway or give us a call 302-644-4404.