If You Need Help Now But Didn't Before
Wed, Feb 2nd, 2022
Life is fragile and things can happen that can change your ability to do things you used to do every day without help or adaptations. When things change, it may be difficult to do everyday tasks in your home.
If you sustained an injury, acquired an illness, or just due to aging and it has become more difficult to do things in your home, don't worry! Home modifications and home renovations can help make your home easier for you to use, so you can live there more independently.
What Are Some Home Improvements So You Can You Age At Home
Here are some of the changes that can be made to make your home safer and more user friendly:
Grab bars - They are a great way to make your daily life easier because they offer support where it's needed most. Grab bars are installed near the toilet, tub and shower and other places as needed.
Tilting sinks - Allow you to wash items without needing assistance from another person since they tilt down towards the user. This makes washing items much easier, giving you back some independence.
Raised toilet seat - Many people are afraid of falling when using the bathroom. If someone gets up in the middle of the night, it can become dangerous to use the restroom because they could fall on their way there or back to bed. Raised toilet seats allow that extra bit of height that allows for an easier transition from standing to sitting down and then standing again.
Lowered cabinets - So you don't have to stress about reaching your plates or dishes that are way up high. This is a great and cost-effective way to provide easy access to the things you use often but just can't reach because of that pesky height problem.
Lighting - The right lighting can make all the difference. Having lighting that reduces glare and is directed on what you are doing will help you stay safe while completing tasks at home. This is especially helpful in the kitchen for cooking, cleaning, and food prep activities.
Accessible shower - A shower with a zero threshold so you don't even have to lift your leg to step into or you can easily roll a shower wheelchair in will help make showering easier and safer!
Adjustable counters - If you can't use your sink or countertop because it's too high, adjustable counters are the way to go. These allow you to lower them until they're at a height that is comfortable for you to work at.
Ramps - Ramps within your home provide easy access from one area to another. They are great for being able to get from one room into another without having to worry about where you can step. They are perfect for someone who uses a wheelchair or scooter in their home and can be permanent or portable.
Slip-resistant flooring - When doing certain activities in the bathroom, such as bathing, it's easy for someone who has a disability or is disabled due to an injury or illness to slip and fall due to a wet floor. It is better to have a non-slip floor installed in your bathroom to help avoid a fall.
Bed - If you are unable to easily get into or out of your bed, consider having a bed that adjusts down low enough so it is easier for you. This way you will have more independence when doing activities in your bedroom rather than having to depend on someone else to come help you whenever you need to get up or lay down in bed.
Vertical platform lift - If you are unable to use the stairs, but want to maintain your independence, consider having a vertical platform lift installed. You will then be able to get in and out of your home by using this ADA-compliant lift instead.
Home automation - You can control the door, lighting, and more with the touch of a button on your phone. You can also control the temperature of your home to make it more comfortable and more...
Large-handled faucets - Large-handled faucets make them even better because these make it easier for someone who may not have the greatest grip due to their disability or injury to be able to turn on and off their own water.
These are just some of the home renovations or home modifications that can be made to your home to help you to be more independent. Start thinking about how these changes can actually improve your life and if you want to discuss more options or have questions, call Bell House Medical. We are here to help!